Part 3: Quadratus, the Second Colossus

Blip - With commentary (Polsy) | No commentary (Polsy) | Bonus video: Valus' stomp attack (Polsy)
Youtube - With commentary | No commentary | Bonus video: Valus' stomp attack
Note: I uploaded a quick clip of Valus stomping. Given how close you need to be in order to goad him in to it (plus, given how fucking HUGE he is), it's kinda tricky to get a good angle on it

Quadratus' location on the map: F-3
Artwork/Pictures -
Quadratus Centerfold, left page (Artbook)
Quadratus Centerfold, right page (Artbook)
Quadratus (Artbook)
Quadratus (Artbook)
Quadratus (Earlier version)
Quadratus (Even earlier. Shield your eyes.)
Dormin's Hints -
"The place that emits light is its vitals..."
Notes -
- Quadratus is a Bull! What's with all these cattle lately? Anyhow, he stands roughly 98 feet (30m) tall, and 115 feet (35m) long from head-to-tail.
- In spite of Quadratus being a bull of sorts, his cry is that of an elephant.
- Regarding why I didn't use Agro, he's simply a bit excessive for this fight. He's really fast and handles too roughly. On foot just seemed like the more logical approach. The only issue is that Agro is a camera hog

- As Wander slays additional colossi, his maximum grip and health both increase slightly. We're gonna need it

- The seal of choice for the "killing blow" seems to vary, at least for this guy. Never played hard mode before, so this is new territory! My first test run, it was on his left side again. The next few runs, it was on his head. The episode I uploaded was the first time it was at that end of his body. Typically, the seal will vanish and the colossus will appear to have no health left (an empty bar). You need to find the seal that remains and stab that to down them. Every time I went up against Valus, it was on his right tricep. Maybe I just got lucky?
- Finally, you might spot Wander spazzing out on one of his landings whilst moving across Quadratus. That is the exact spot where I glitched through him, previously. I'm glad that it didn't happen again.
Something to discuss...
So, two colossi down. We know the general story and idea of things so far, but we don't know much at all about our protagonist. Nothing is ever truly revealed, actually, so this should be fine to discuss openly to some degree. First off, who is he? Well, judging by how he handles a sword (poorly), we can safely guess that he isn't an accomplished swordsman. Sure, the sword is probably a bit big for his size, but he seems to wield it like someone not familiar with their general use. Our main attack, outside of stabbing, resembles swinging for the fences, so to speak.
So he might not be an accomplished swordsman, but he is a fantastic archer; that's for certain. His accuracy is pretty spot-on, and he can nock an arrow like it's second-nature to him. He is also clearly an expert at riding a horse. He controls Agro with ease (who he probably raised, given how in-synch they are), and his maneuvering is ridiculous. He can stand upright when Agro is going near full-speed, in addition to fire off perfect shots with his bow AT THE SAME TIME. Let's not forget, also, that he seems to be pretty darn good at climbing stuff.
In spite of the indicated athleticism and balance, his jumps and landings look pretty clumsy. I'd like to think that it's just an exaggeration of the movement so he doesn't seem inhumanly athletic

Anyhow, if you stitch all this together, I'd be inclined to say that Wander is a hunter of sorts. He's great with a bow, has a trusted steed, and can easily traverse the craziest of terrain.
Another theory on his background ties in to something else entirely, but I don't want to spoil anything. Someone remind me about this once we've wrapped up the game, and I'll come back to it!
And something else!
You may or may not notice it, but our trusty blade has a very peculiar "crosshair" for targeting/aiming it. It's a Star of David. You may think "uh, so what?" Well, goons, you might recall one of this David's tales in particular

There are other religious references, but I'll hold off on those 'till later!
UPDATE: Chunky12345 said to look closer, following my mention of the Star of David in the Barba update. Seems my eyes were just playing tricks on me, because from afar, it does resemble a Star of David (to my eyes). But zoomed in, it's just a shrunk-down version of the seals. D'oh once again.